Thursday, March 25, 2010

Where Is It?

Whereas one can find American restaurant chains throughout the world and the popularity of American food has continued to grow in countries such as the UK (Britain), the marketing of British food in the US has remained minimal.
Fresh and Easy, the new grocery chain opened by the British supermarket giant Tesco's, has deliberately missed the opportunity to market decent British food.
Their offerrings do include smoked back bacon (although a shorter cut than in the UK) and onion bhajis and some English cheese. Smoked bacon is not as popular in the UK as unsmoked bacon. It seems though that the American palate is destined to continue to savour smoked pork products. Bacon, or ham for that matter, tastes a 100% better if either brine cured or dry salt cured, instead of being smoked.
The onion bhajis are reasonable, but not as good as the ones sold by Tesco in the UK.
Of course, getting a decent British or Irish sausage in the US is a challenge if not nigh on impossible. It seems when they are advertised in various supermarkets they appear like Bratwurst and are about as rubbery, with little of any flavour remeniscent of 'real' British or Irish sausages.
It seems restaurants that claim to deliver British or Irish food, struggle with the authenticity of the ingredients and /or the menu. Often, they offer American or Mexican food with ridiculous names like Dublin Enchiladas or London Sliders!
Of course, some of these restaurants are actually American owned and have a British or Irish theme in order to attract customers.
So my point is that British food in the USA is hard to find and often almost impossible. What are your thoughts?

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